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RAVAGED RESEARCH CAREER The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is the government's principal agency responsible for advancing of the nation’s medical research; primarily, by managing and dispensing of Congress’s appropriation for biomedical research projects of over $30.9 billion annually (fiscal year 2012). The majority of NIH's funding is awarded through competitive research grants to individual researchers, via peer‑review of grant applications and according to their recommendation. The grants are dispensed and managed by the NIH grants' management units. http://nih.gov/about/budget.htm
*** The Corrupt NIH Actors Diverting Research Funds in Support of their Unauthorized Enterprise
Specifically, these corrupt actors —as of April 7, 2006— when my grant was in transition between grantee institutions— instead of transferring misused and abused my NIH grant funds in the sum of $203,132.00 —sum of an average grant; deliberately and without authority discontinued the funded research project by closing out my NIH grant; using intimidation and harassment prevented, for more than a year, the transfer of my grant and research project to NYU (New York University); and altogether, engaged in fraudulent bookkeeping, abuse of power and obstruction of due process perpetrated in covering up their fraud and malfeasance.
Altogether, these administrators having discontinued the funded research, each one of them is personally accountable to the spinal cord injured individuals who have been deprived by their corrupt actions of a promising cure.
NIH Director Willfully Deceived Congress Regarding Complaints of Financial Fraud and Abuse at NIH
Deplorably, the NIH Director's Reports to Congress for the years 2007–2009 have been misleading and downright deceitful. Specifically —as documented in the Open Letter from a Whistleblower to the Director of NIH posted here— when I raised concerns of financial fraud and misuse of my NIH grant funds, these unlawful activities were not stopped. Rather, I became a target for retaliation by the Offenders —my research project and career have been ravaged— and the Director's Reports to Congress flagrantly and illicitly concealed my whistleblower complaints. This, —per policy of the Director's Office— which deliberately excludes complaints made by the recipients of NIH grants. Retaliation Against the Whistleblower and the Cover-Up of the Fraud
Most devastating, the attempts of the Grants Compliance & Oversight Division at NIH, from June 2007 through February 2008, to stop the abuse and fraud, retrieve the misused funds and reinstate my research project at NYU were deliberately derailed —with the knowledge, approval and/or acquiescence of the upper echelons at the Office of the Director— by the corrupt actors, Offenders. On November 3, 2008 I filed a complaint in federal court against these corrupt financial administrators and their collaborators, for depriving me of present and future employment; destroying of my professional career and reputation; and retaliating against me for having petitioned for redress of grievances —for violating my constitutional and civil rights and the Privacy Act provisions. To add insult to injury, in June 2009 these individuals moved to dismiss my complaint, and in support of their motion they also lied to the courts with the help and knowledge of the Justice Department. Currently, the case is pending appeal at the US Court of Appeals, 2nd Circuit.
Request for Your Support to Expose and Publicize the Corruption and Reinstate my Scientific Career
Ask for Action by Congress Four Congress Committees are the statutory recipients of the NIH Director's Reports of Whistleblower's Complaints. Copies of my Open Letter from a Whistleblower to the Director of NIH were sent to the chairmen and ranking members of these Committees, to: Senators Tom Harkin, Michael B. Enzi, Daniel K. Inouye, and Thad Cochran; and U.S. Representatives Fred Upton, Henry Waxman, Harold Rogers, and
Norman D. Dicks. FOIA Request. Establishing full transparency is the most important step towards exposing the fraud and corruption at NIH and winning my Court case against the offenders. Once full transparency of the NIH actions in relation to my grant is established —by obtaining a complete record of the subject grant— it will become possible to remove the corrupt actors from the system and reinstate my research to cure paralysis. Donations to the Whistleblower Fund. The past four years of litigations and up-hill battle against corrupt federal officials to restore my scientific career and regain my employment have resulted in astronomical debts. Contributions to my Whistleblower Fund are very much appreciated.