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Ask for Action by Congress
Four Congress Committees are the statutory recipients of the NIH Director's Reports of Whistleblower's Complaints. Copy of my Open Letter from a Whistleblower to the Director of NIH and a cover letter were sent to the chairmen and ranking members of these Committees, to: Senators Tom Harkin, Michael B. Enzi, Daniel K. Inouye, and Thad Cochran; and U.S. Representatives Fred Upton, Henry Waxman, Harold Rogers, and Norman D. Dicks. If you would like to help stop the fraud of NIH funds dedicated for biomedical research, you can do so by urging these members of Congress to conduct an investigation into the misleading and deceitful the NIH Director's reports. Their e‑contact and my cover letter —portions can be used by you— are attached below.
The Honorable ... I am writing with regard to your statutory role under Section 403B. "Annual Reporting to Prevent Fraud and Abuse" of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Reform Act of 2006. In particular, as the recipient* of the NIH Director's Annual Report summarizing the activities of the NIH relating to whistleblower complaints. [Pub. L. No. 109‑482, § 403B(a); 42 U.S.C. § 283a–1(a)] SPECIFICALLY, I am bringing to your attention —supported by the appropriate documentation as explained below— that the mandatory NIH Director's reports about Whistleblower Complaints, submitted to your committee for the years 2007–2009, have been misleading and downright deceitful. These Reports concealed my whistleblower complaints about misuse of NIH grant funds by NIH grant administrators. Briefly, I am Nurit Kalderon, Ph.D., a neuroscientist who through my biomedical research had developed promising therapies for the treatment of spinal cord injury. I am holding a related US Patent, and since August 2000 have been the principal investigator on an investigator‑initiated grant, R01 NS039375, that was awarded to me by the NIH, at over $2.3 million, to continue and develop these therapies for clinical trials. The funded project yielded an effective treatment that has been ready for testing in clinical trials since early 2007. http://whistleblowing-nih-financial-fraud.org/Whistleblower/Scientist-Whistleblower.html I am also, under duress since March 2006, a whistleblower. The whistleblower complaints about fraud and malfeasance are related to my NIH research grant. The promising funded research was stopped dead in its tracks when a few NIH grant administrators, in early 2006, instead of transferring to a new institution misused my NIH grant's funds —in the sum of $203,132.00—for purposes prohibited by law and closed out the research project. The above mentioned NIH Director's reports submitted to your Committee flagrantly concealed my whistleblower complaints about: i. the financial fraud and misuse of the R01NS39375 grant funds; ii. the mishandling, discontinuing of the related funded research project by unauthorized closeout of the grant; and iii. the subsequent corruption, abuse of authority and obstruction of due process perpetrated —with the knowledge and the extensive support network provided by the upper echelon at the Director's Office— in covering up the wrongdoing. DOCUMENTATION PROVIDED Detailed accounts about the complaints of fraud and the deliberate omission by the NIH Director of the complaints from his annual Reports to Congress are included in my letter entitled "AN OPEN LETTER FROM A WHISTLEBLOWER TO THE DIRECTOR OF NIH" and its accompanying Addendum that was emailed on March 19, 2012 to the Director, Dr. Francis S. Collins. Enclosed below is the five‑page letter; the complete letter (letter & addendum) can be downloaded as PDF file from my website: http://whistleblowing-nih-financial-fraud.org and a hard copy of it is being mailed to your office. In addition, together with the hard copy attached is the letter of Ms. Suzanne J. Servis, the director of the NIH Office of Management Assessment dated April 18, 2012, which explains that NIH developed a special definition for whistleblower which deliberately excludes the recipients of NIH grants, namely definition which automatically excludes complaints about mishandling of NIH grants by NIH administrators. A PDF copy is available from my website: http://www.whistleblowing-nih-financial-fraud.org/Open%20Letters/NIH%20facilitates%20corruption.pdf REQUEST FOR ACTION Clearly, the purpose of the Reports is to provide full transparency in the NIH budgets' management, in particular in the handling of research grants awards which comprise more than 80% of the NIH budget. As discussed in the NIH Reform Act House Report, H.R. Rep. No. 109-687. Namely, the Director's Report should include all complaints; as exclusion of certain types of complaints defeats the purpose of the Act and provides a vehicle for cover-up and corruption. Accordingly, to accomplish the purpose of Section 403B(a) —Preventing Fraud and Abuse— I request you initiate an investigation into the false and deceitful submissions to Congress by the NIH Director. This investigation should provide, at the least, complete transparency of the NIH actions in relation to my R01NS393705 grant funds by producing the entire record, including emails etc., of the handling by NIH grant administrators of the subject grant for the years 2006 through 2008. Thank you for your dedicated attention to this matter. I shall be glad to provide any additional information as required. Sincerely, * 42 U.S.C. § 283a–1(a) WHISTLEBLOWER COMPLAINTS.—